The hematopoietic and Immune systems share their origins in the bone marrow, where cells of both systems originate from a common pluripotential stem cell. while both systems carry out distinct functions, they share the effective mechanism whereby they rely on circulating cells, as opposed to fixed stratified tissues or organs (apart from storage organs), to carry out specific functions.
Based on the "spiral" nature of the problem-based learning curriculum, topics covered in this unit have been previously addressed to varying extents and in different contexts. This unit will consolidate uderstanding of central concepts and mechanisms of diseases, as they relate to the hematopoietic and immune systems. Information obtained from previous problems (infection and immunity, inflammation, neoplasia, asthma, pulmonary embolism), shall constitute the foundation on which the five cases each of hematological and immunological diseases will be based.
The concept of problem-based self-learning requires students to define their learning needs taking into consideration their background knowledge and institutional goals.
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I want the cardio content
where is the cardio content ?
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